Mirlinda is a sophomore majoring in Therapeutic Health Sciences – Ergotherapy at Heimerer College in Pristina. Mirlinda’s first professional job has been as a psychologist’s assistant in psychological assessments, sessions with children and parents, an assistant to a stimulating therapist and a speech therapist. Mirlinda has also been consistently engaged as a translator of Turkish and English in training delivered...
Altina is pursuing a Bachelor Degree at Heimerer College, majoring in Therapeutic Health Sciences – Profile Speech Therapy. Altina has worked as Assistant to the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Projects at Heimerer College, respectively she worked as a student coordinator on the project of the first Multidisciplinary Center in Kosovo. Also, she is an assistant to children with Autism...
Anila is currently studying Bachelor of Science in Therapeutic Health Sciences – Speech Therapy at Heimerer College in Prishtina. She was also involved in work at Heimerer College as international project assistant and is active in a variety of volunteer activities young students. She also works as assistant for children with special needs and is a devoted volunteer at our...
This cooperation agreement between our institutions aims to creatively promote the activities, projects and programs undertaken by the NGO Me Dhe Për Kosovën, aiming at the successful promotion of the purpose and objectives of the organization and its target audience. Kjo marrëveshje bashkëpunimi midis institucioneve tona synon të promovojë në mënyrë krijuese aktivitetet, projektet dhe programet e ndërmarra nga OJQ Me...
With the purpose of advancing policy-making, awareness and advancement as professionally and contemporary as possible in the field of sports in Kosovo, “Me Dhe Për Sportin”, “Me Dhe Për Kosovën” and “Balltrotter Sports Agency” has come together to contribute with the expertise of their respective fields. Sport would not have meaning and good functioning without the existence of a proper...
OJQ Me Dhe Për Ekonominë ka nisur një kampanjë sensibilizuese për nderë të Ditës Botërore të Shëndetësisë për të gjithë qytetarët e Kosovës. Kjo kampanjë ka për synim që të tregoj vlerësimin që të gjithë qytetarët e Kosovës duhet të kenë për punonjësit shëndetësor për punën e tyre të palodhur në luftimin e pandemisë COVID-19. Për më shumë informata rreth kësaj...
Me sukses të kënaqshëm është mbajtur Boot Camp’i dy ditor “Rrogë për veten apo shef i vetës” (ENG: A salary paid job or the boss of yourself), ku të pranishëm ishin folësit Ish-Presidenten e Republikës së Kosovës znj. Atifete Jahjaga, Profesor Besnik Kransiqi, dhe Shenaj Shala, të cilët me eksperiencën, arritjet dhe shkollimin e tyre i dhanë ngjyrë kësaj punëtorie. Të...